TSGE Membership Options
Active Membership: $225/year 1) Graduation from a recognized medical school with a degree of Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Osteopathy. 2) Authentic and unlimited medical license. Active members must be licensed in the state of Texas. 3) Evidence of certification by the appropriate specialty board or documented evidence of eligibility to sit for such board examination. 4) Applicants shall demonstrate a major interest in the field of gastroenterology and document such interest. 5) Such applicants shall endeavor to exhibit honorable humanistic qualities and adhere to the AMA Code of Ethics in their professional pursuits. 6) Special training and demonstrated skill in the broad field of gastroenterology and/or gastrointestinal endoscopy to the satisfaction of the Membership Committee and Governing Board. 7) Federally employed doctors or those who hold a faculty temporary license issued by TMB.
Allied Health Membership: $100/year This category is open to physician assistants who are licensed to practice in Texas by the Texas Medical Board and to advanced Nurse Practitioners who are licensed to practice in Texas by the Texas Board of Nursing. Applicants must be actively engaged in gastroenterology and/or hepatology patient care and/or research. Applicants must show proof of licensure. It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to consider these applications, seeking additional information if necessary.
Associate Membership - $225/year 1) Graduation from a recognized medical school with a degree of Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Osteopathy. 2) The governing board of the society is authorized to confer Associate membership to physicians who wish to be members of the society but do not reside in Texas.
Fellow/Resident Membership - $0/year until completion of Fellowship or Residency Graduation for a recognized medical school with a degree of Doctor of Medicine or DO; Texas medical license; enrolled in an approved training program directly related to gastroenterology.
*** Contributions or gifts to Texas Society for Gastroenterology and Endoscopy (TSGE) are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for Federal Income tax purposes but may be deductible as a business expense. TSGE estimates that 50% of your dues are nondeductible as those portions are allocated to lobbying, as defined by law. Please check with your tax professional. TSGE Tax ID: 74-2138262